How Anand Achieved Rs 11,60,000 lakh of revenue in Less Than 3.5 months

How Anand Achieved Rs 11,60,000 lakh of revenue in Less Than 3.5 months

How Anand Achieved Rs 11,60,000 lakh of revenue in Less Than 3.5 months?

Niche —Consulting people with psoriasis to help them overcome their challenges.

Here is what we cover in this interview:

1. Who is Anand and why did he leave franchising consulting to become a #psoriasis consultant ?
2. How UAbility helped him decide on his unique niche into the skin treatment industry without any professional medical training?
3. Why did he decide to work with UAbility and charge high-ticket?
4. How has he built his own community for his niche ?
5. How did he manage to fulfill and cure people with psoriasis within just 90 days with his built system through UAbility.
6. How Mindset shifts helped him and are really important for any business growth.
7. How has he prized his services and how much revenue has he generated in the 3.5 months?
8. How did he never gave up and kept his mindset strong when his initial niche did not work out as planned?
9. What is Anand’s marketing strategy to get clients?
10. How to build the confidence to overcome camera shyness?
11. Tips to people who are starting out in their entrepreneurial journey.
12. Why should one join #UAbility?

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