Best Cloud Server Hosting Providers Review - In this video, I cover my favorite cloud hosting providers of 2021 that have the best value.
👉 Get Bluehost Discount ► https://bit.ly/374I7Jr
📖 Read Bluehost Review ➜ https://bit.ly/3iPDPLk
👉 Get Hostinger Discount ► https://bit.ly/3zDGNJw
📖 Read Hostinger Review ➜ https://bit.ly/2WfHTNf
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00:00 Intro
00:41 Option 1 - Hostinger
01:14 Option 2 - Siteground
02:01 What is Cloud hosting
03:20 Outro
👉 Best Cloud Server Hosting Providers Review - In this video, I cover my favorite cloud hosting providers of 2021 that have the best value.
Best Cloud Server Hosting Providers in 2021 Transcript:
Hello everyone, Carson here. And in today's video, I just wanted to go ahead and run you through two of my favorite cloud hosting providers of 2021. So you can check them out. And I've actually got a link in the description where you can check them out at a special discount if you want to do that. So let's get into the video. But before we do, remember to leave, like subscribe, and of course, hit that notification bell.
So every time I upload a new video, you are notified. And now let's get started. Now, in case you're not familiar with cloud hosting, it's actually a pretty simple concept. Essentially, you can take any normal hosting you use, and then apply it in a cloud hosting format, which basically just means that your hosting will be hosted and synced between multiple servers, multiple different servers, which you have all across the globe, or the company you are hosting under has will be hosting up your website to your customers as a sort of cloud or mesh network.
So your website will not go down as much, and it won't have as much latency. Since all the servers are going to be nearer your clients and your traffic hosting is really, really great. And in my opinion, I view it as kind of a step up from any other type of hosting plan. For example, like a VPS host, you can get a cloud VPS host or a shared host, you can get a cloud shared host. However, in this video, I wanted to run you through two of my favorite cloud hosts of 2021.
Number one being Bluehost. Now Bluehost, in case you're wondering, it's a channel favorite of mine, personally, because I love their service, I actually use it for my own websites. And it's great. I've tested all of these web hosts in the past, but in my opinion Bluehost ranks as easily the number one Bluehost. Cloud Hosting is fantastic. They provide really great, really high quality and very budget cloud hosting as well, in my opinion. Bluehost is the perfect mix between a budget host and a high quality, expensive host. It's budget pricing, but high quality, incredibly good services.
And of course comes with a money back guarantee, great customer support a whole slew of documentation and all that stuff you need in order to you know, get your web host up and running, get your cloud hosting off the ground. And they also give you a free SSL and a free domain name for one year whenever you sign up with one of their plans, which really just helps you boost your website into success. So I honestly just love Bluehost I think they're super great.
There aren't really many downsides. Now there are a few hosts, which actually do offer cheaper prices. But usually these prices come at a slightly degraded performance or just at a same performance level. But it has to be lower because of price. So even though the performance level has to be lower, the price is lower as well, but it really just evens out. But in my opinion Bluehost does offer the best cloud hosting services of 2021.
They are notoriously known to be the cheapest share host on the market at this moment on the market in 2021, coming in at 99 cents a month for shared hosting. Now unlike a lot of companies which provide shared hosting, well hosting your actually provides it but at a super high quality instead of letting it degrade for the price. And that's the same thing with their cloud hosting hosting provides very, very, very top notch cloud hosting without really degrading the quality at all just like Bluehost they've got a money back guarantee.
They've got that free domain name in that free SSL and they have that great customer support.
Affiliate link disclaimer: If you click the links in the description and get a hosting provider, we may receive a commission. With that said, we don’t let brands dictate our opinions - if we said it, that means it’s what we truly believe. Buying through our links will not cost you anything extra and as a matter of fact, may cost less due to discounts.
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