What is your workflow with an Ancestry hint? Learn in which order I accept a hint provided by Ancestry when I add a new person to my family tree. Then, let me know what you think.
👀 Watch Next:
Ancestry Hints - How to Accept Clues While Doing Genealogy Research https://youtu.be/BAbk5Jh0tKw
How One Ancestry Hint Lead to PAGES of Family History Discoveries https://youtu.be/iPA-imlaUTo
0:00 How do process your Ancestry record hints?
0:45 Case Study for Clara Drysdale Newton on Ancestry.com
1:49 Ignore on Ancestry Member Tree Hints
2:16 First Records to Review on Ancestry Hint List
4:00 Attaching Hints to Family Tree on Ancestry
5:16 Why use the Description box for a fact on Ancestry
6:00 Finish reviewing census hints on Ancestry
8:05 What order to methodically add record hints to your Ancestry family tree
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