Amplify Abundance 1 Meditation

Amplify Abundance 1 Meditation

00:00 - Intro into the Witch, Meditate Amplify Abundance Meditation session and announcements
16:58 - Come into a place of stillness for the Meditation to begin
46:34 - Meditation closure/ opportunity to journal and to share
1:02:18 - Thank you for joining us and outro

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The Witch, Meditate Lives are meant to provide us Witches from across the face of Mother Earth a way to come together in a moment of sacred stillness. It is intended to provide us the space to tend to our inner worlds, nourish our souls and practice as the powerfully connected Witches we are.

 We’ll gather here on Youtube, with a different theme or journey each week.  The lives will be kept here on YouTube so that you can come back and revisit whichever one you want as often as you choose.  

These are intended to be both a community practice as well as a repository of guided experiences you can use for your own personal work.

It is always an honor to gather and lead you all this way and I’m eternally grateful we are able to do this no matter where or when we happen to be.

Blessings always, 

 **In Preparation For Our Live Guided Meditation Practice**

We are each watching and participating in this practice over Youtube, yes.  However, the approach is just as important as it would be for any sacred ritual we are gathering together for to create.

As such, I suggest you very intentionally carve out time for yourself to be undisturbed in a quiet place where you can sit and be present with the soul journey we are all embarking on together.

That is all you really need, though there are a few sacred supports you might consider including in your space and preparations:

1.  A white candle you can light when you sit down and get settled in your space for the meditation.
2.  Journal and pen to process your journey once we are done.
3.  Any special incense you might have that helps you get into a meditative state.
4.  A blanket to either sit on or cover some part of you with in case your body gets cold.  
5.  Headphones are advised for more consistent sound reception.

We are coming together to weave a sacred ritual experience.  

As we all come together, even those that watch it later on the replay,  know that we are actively co-creating an experience for ourselves and each other.  In this, we do the holy work of weaving sacred space beyond time and locality, together.  

 **Follow The Witches Box**

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 **Mailing address:

The Witches Box
Elena Rego
PO Box 81
Idyllwild, Ca 92549

 #GuidedMeditation #Meditation #Witchcraft

witchcraftthewitchesboxelena rego

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