Prime Minister Scott Morrison says, “people will make their own decisions” when seeking vaccinations from a pharmacist, with the matter being “between that pharmacist and that individual”.
Mr Morrison said no one is forced “to do anything in this country” when it comes to COVID-19 vaccinations, and affirmed his government is not “seeking to” force decisions.
“People will make their own decisions. If they are legally able to go and get a vaccine, and someone is legally able to provide that vaccine and they can provide informed consent to that end – well that is a matter between that pharmacist and that individual,” Mr Morrison said.
“What the government has done is to support that ATAGI advice by making available through the Medicare system, by paying for them to go and have that consultation with a GP.
“What we each do with our own health is our responsibility, and how we seek to look after our own health is about decisions that we individually have to make.”