Herman Eshuis of Wheels & Wings performs the first flight of Jim Allen's Zenith CH 750 Cruzer aircraft, powered by a 100-hp Rotax 912iS Sport engine. The aircraft was completed with the help of Wheels & Wings (Lake City, Florida) professional builder assistance, especially with the final assembly of the all-metal kit aircraft, and installation of avionics the engine firewall-forward assembly. Immediately after the first flight Herman claimed that the aircraft "Flies Great!!" with a big smile on his face!
The Zenith CH 750 CRUZER is an economical all-metal two-seat cross-country cruiser that you can easily and quickly build yourself, and fly with your Sport Pilot license. The CH 750 CRUZER is the “on-airport” version of the popular STOL CH 750 “off-airport” light sport utility kit plane, famous for its roomy cabin with comfortable side-by-side seating and easy cabin access from both sides. While influenced by its well-known STOL predecessors (the STOL CH 701 “Sky Jeep” and the STOL CH 750), the CH 750 Cruzer is an all-new design optimized as an economical cross-country cruiser for typical (airport) operations.
Wheels & Wings offers professional builder assistance from its facility in Lake City, Florida. Contact Herman Eshuis directly to learn how they can help you fulfil you dream of building and flying your very own aircraft: (386) 690-4239
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